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Ehemalige religiöse Orte
Storefront Church
Weitere religiöse Orte
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(Protestantisch) 9
Adventisten 19
Baptisten 67
Episkopalisten 18
Foursquare Church 8
Heilsarmee 4
Jehovas Zeugen 8
Lutheraner 29
Methodisten 38
Pfingstler 19
Presbyterianer 26
United Church of Christ 10
Holman United Methodist Church
Saint Francis de Sales Church
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Second Church of Christ Scientist
The New Missionary Baptist Church
St. Paul’s First Lutheran Church
First Apostolic Church Long Beach
The Word of God Baptist Church
Schul- und Kirchengebäude der Canyon School
LA Gospel United Methodist Church
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles
Korean Western Presbyterian Church
St. Andrews Baptist Church
First Baptist Church Torrance
Iglesia Pentecostal Unida
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Founders Metropolitan Community Church
Holy Hill Community Church
Normandie Ave Seventh-day Adventist Church
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, Manhattan Beach
True Everfaithful Baptist Church
St Mary’s Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Greater Liberty Baptist Church
Martin Temple AME Zion Church
Hope of God Church Los Angeles
Opportunity Baptist Church
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
First Presbyterian Church
First Methodist Church of San Fernando
First Baptist Church of Canoga Park
Culver City Seventh-day Adventist Church
First Methodist Church of Gardena
Memory Chapel+Calvary Presbyterian Church
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Ambassadors for Christ Christian Church
Gethsemane Lutheran Church
Lincoln Memorial Congregational Church
St. Raphael’s Parish Church
St. Peter Catholic Church
Grace Chapel Church of God in Christ
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
First Baptist Church of West Los Angeles
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church
Old East Hollywood Church
Good Community Church Of Torrance
Praise Christian Fellowship
Good Shepherd Taiwanese Presbyterian Church
House of God Apostolic Church
Boyle Heights Christian Church
Saint Jude Spiritual Church of Christ
New Anointing Deliverance Church
Dolores Mission Catholic Church
Medhani-Alem Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church
Glendale Korean Church of Seventh-day Adventist
Chinese United Methodist Church
St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church
New Liberty Institutional Church
St. Innocent Orthodox Church
Our Lady of Resurrection Church
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
First Presbyterian Church of Gardena
Heritage Christian Church
Iglesia Adventista Mid-City
Centenary United Methodist Church
Cathedral of St. Vladimir
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Nichiren Japanese Buddhist Temple
Boyle Heights Presbyterian Church
Gospel Venture Int’l Church
Self-Realization Fellowship
St. Clement’s Episcopal Church
First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
Indonesian & Japanese Baptist Church
Sihk Gurdwara of Los Angeles
Grant African Methodist Episcopal Church
Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ South Bay
St. John’s Presbyterian Church
Our Lady of the Bright Mount, Polish Church
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Days
Southern Missionary Baptist Church
First African Methodist Episcopal Church of Los Angeles
Ascension Lutheran Church
Mannam Presbyterian Church
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church
Angelus Temple, Church of the Foursquare Gospel
St. Bernadette Roman Catholic Church
Mt. Tabor Missionary Baptist Church
Holy Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Cathedral
San Francisco Catholic Church
First Baptist Church of Los Angeles
Church of the Transfiguration
MOSAIC Fifth Church of Christ Scientist
Temple Israel of Hollywood
Primera Iglesia Bautista de Harbor City
Lewis Metropolitan CME Church
Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist
Congregational Church of Christian Fellowship
Holy Temple Baptist Church
Riviera United Methodist Church
Tabernacle of Praise Worship Center
First Baptist Church of South Gate
Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia
Los Angeles Holiness Church
St. Casimir Lithuanian Catholic Church
Woodland Hills Methodist Church
Oceanside Christian Fellowship Church
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
Bethany Christian Fellowship
First Samoan Church of the Nazarene
Mexican Methodist Episcopal Church
Venice United Methodist Church
Masjid Bilal Islamic Center
Ministerio Pentecostes Maranatha
10th Church of Christ Scientist, St John
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
Templo de Refugio del Cladic
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Cambodian Community
Highland Park Lutheran Church
Western Avenue Christian Church
St. Monica Catholic Church
Iglesia De Dios Pentecostal M.I.
West Hollywood United Church of Christ
Masjid Umar Ibn Al-Khattab Moschee
Ashanti United Church of Christ
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church
Iglesia de Jesucristo Palabra Miel
Central Spanish Seventh Day Adventist Church
Virgin Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Cathedral
Canaan New Life Christian Church
Westwood Hills Congregational Church
Protection of the Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church
University Seventh-day Adventist Church
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church
Visitation Catholic Church
Broadway Community Church
Weller Street Missionary Baptist Church
Church of Christ, Iglesia ni Christo
Iglesia Esperanza – Hope Church LA
Glory Church of Jesus Christ
Primera Iglesia Biblica Fundamental
First Church of Christ, Scientist
First United Methodist Church of Glendale
St. Anthony’s Croatian Catholic Church
St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church
Saint Peter’s Episcopal CHurch
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Rejected Stone Christian Fellowship
West Angeles Church of God in Christ
Blood of Jesus Prayer & Deliverence Ministries
Friendship Baptist Church
Greater New Vision Missionary Baptist Church
Evening Star Missionary Baptist Church
Krotona-Grand Temple of the Rosy Cross
Faith Calvary Baptist Church
The Cambodian Buddhist Temple
Chinese Congregational Church
True Rock Missionary Baptist Church
Pacific Palisades Community United Methodist Episcopal Church
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Compton
Saint Steven’s Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Carson
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Lomita
All Saints Anglican Church
Saint John’s Episcopal Church
New Bethel Baptist Church
Saint John the Evangelist Church
St. James Presbyterian Church
St. Timothy Catholic Church
Founder’s Church of Religious Science
Moments of Meditation Baptist Church
St. Monica Pentecostal Church
St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church
Wilshire United Methodist Church
Iglesia Cristiana Discipulos
McCarty Memorial Christian Church
North Hills United Methodist Church
Greater Mt Zion Baptist Church
Kadampa Meditation Center Hollywood
Iglesia Evangelica Guerreros de Cristo
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Iglesia Santa Sión De El Salvador
First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
Harvest International Church
Welcome Missionary Baptist Church
Iglesia de Dios Pentecostes
Westside Church of the Nazarene
Bethany Presbyterian Church
Self-Realization Fellowship
Ebenezer Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia
St Paul’s Lutheran Church St. Monica
Sixth Church of Christ Scientist
Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel
Iglesia Pentecostes La Voz de Dios
Holy Nativity Parish Episcopal Church
Unification Community Center
Scientology Church of Los Angeles
Calvary Chapel South Bay, Gardena
Marina Christian Fellowship Church
Monte Santo Christian Church
Westwood United Methodist Church
St Lucy’s Catholic Church
Triangular Church of Religious Science
St. Leon Armenian Cathedral
Faith Tabernacle Church of West LA
Calvary Chapel Palos Verdes
St. Ambrose Catholic Church
Westwood Hills Christian Church
Abundant Life Christian Church
Brentwood Presbyterian Church
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, St. Monica
Christ The Good Shepherd American Coptic Orthodox Church
St. Catherine of Siena Church
Former Sinai Temple/Welsh Presbyterian Church
Mount Calvary Church of God
Apostolic Faith Home Assembly
Crenshaw Church of Christ
University Christian Church
Bethel Tabernacle Church of God in Christ
Bethesda Church of God in Christ
Citizens of Zion Missionary
First Baptist Church of Long Beach
St. Basil’s Catholic Church
West Valley Christian Church
St. Joseph the Worker Church
St. Thomas the Apostel Catholic Church
First Baptist Church of San Pedro
United Methodist Church Chatsworth
New Life Transformation Christian Center
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church
Baldwin Hills Baptist Church
Santa Susanna Mission Church
Crenshaw United Methodist Church
Westminster Baptist Church
Calvary Baptist Church of Pacoima
San Sebastian Catholic Church
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
Ocean View Baptist Church
Holy Cross Catholic Church
New Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church
Woodland Hills Christian Church
Torrance First Presbyterian Church
Temple Baptist Church Venice Blvd
Woodland Hills Community Church
Christian Science Society
Apostolic Faith Home Assembly
Christ the King Roman Catholic Church
St. Michael Antiochean Church
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
St. Stephen Martyr Catholic Church
Jubilee Fellowship Church
Resurrection Lutheran Church
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
St. Charles Borromeo Church
Korean Philadelphia Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church of Los Angeles
United Church of Christ, Eagle Rock
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Palos Verdes
Vermont Square United Methodist Church
Saints Archangels Romanian Orthodox Church
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
Indonesian Muslim Community Center
Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs Armenian Catholic Church
Centro Cristiano De Adoracion
Iglesia Christiana Antioquia
Little Sisters Of The Poor
Saint Albert the Great Catholic Church
Church of Divine Guidance
Nuestra Senora de Zapopan
Village Church of Westwood
Wilshire Boulevard Temple
St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
Greater Faith Missionary Baptist Church
Iglesia De Cristo Ministerios Elim
Korea Sah Buddhist Temple
San Pedro United Methodist Church
St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Church
Encounter Community Church Torrance
First Christian Church of Wilmington
Congregational Church of Northridge
Pacific Mount Olive Church
St. Anne Melkite Greek Catholic Church
St Peter & St Paul Coptic Orthodox Church
Iglesia Christiana Poder Y Gloria
Congregational Church of the Messiah
DaySpring Christian Church
Greater True Light Tabernacle
Jacob’s Ladder Apostolic Church
Salvation Army Hoover St.
Korean Presbyterian Church of South Bay
Metropolitan AME Zion Church
Our Mother of Good Council Catholic Church
Triedstone Missionary Baptist Church
Lorena Street Baptist Church
Little Saint John Baptist Church
Iglesia Cristiana heute Tile Shop
St. Jerome Catholic Church
First Christian Church of Inglewood
Filipino Christian Church
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
Church of Christ Eastside
Iglesia de Dios de Reseda
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church
Korean Covenant Church of LA
St. George Syrian Orthodox Church
Episcopal Church of St. Andrew and St. Charles
St. Brigid Catholic Church
West Bethel Presbyterian Church
Brookins-Kirkland AME Church
Mt Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church
Gardena Valley Assembly of God
St. Dominic’s Catholic Church
La Iglesia de Dios de la Profecia
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints
Christ Lutheran Church Palos Verdes
Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church
Greater Union Baptist Church
St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Maria Regina Catholic Church
Iglesia de Jesucristo Juda
Berendo Street Baptist Church
Lutheran Church of Master
St. Albans Episcopal Church
Seventh Day Adventist Church
White Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church
Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church
Westchester Lutheran Church
Iglesia Adventista de Highland Park
Jodo Shinshu Shinrankai Buddhist Church
United House of Prayer for all People
Breath of Life Seventh-day Adventist Church
Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church
Berean Seventh Day Adventist Church
Thirteenth Church of Christ, Scientist
The Mission Church Of The Hour Fellowship
St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church
Long Beach Seventh Day Adventist Church
Faith United Methodist Church
Sanctification Presbyterian Church
Scientology Church Inglewood
Echo Park United Methodist Church
St. Philip the Evangelist Church
First Congregational Church
First Lutheran Church of Culver City
First Lutheran Church of Torrance
Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia
Kingdom Hall, View Park-Windsor Hills
Fifth Avenue Christian Church
Congregational Church of Chatsworth
Mary Magdalene Baptist Church
Precious Blood Catholic Church
Holy Spirit Church and School
Chinese Evangelical Free Church
First Lutheran Church of Venice
B’nai David-Judea Congregation
Episcopal Anglican Church of the Advent
Holy Transfiguration Russian Orthodox Church
New Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church
Cedar Grove Baptist Church
Iglesia Universal del Reino de Dios
Trinity Lutheran Church San Pedro
St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church of Hollywood
Presentation of Mary Catholic Church
Seventh Day Adventist Church Rita Ave
Metro LA Church of Christ
Cathedral Chapel of St. Vibiana
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
Victory Outreach Church, Inglewood
Grace United Methodist Church
Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Korean Methodist Church of Los Angeles
Chapel of the Sacred Heart
Long Beach Buddhist Church
Christ the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
St. Kevin Catholic Church
Lord’s Love Christian Church
Hermon Free Methodist Church
Ecclesia Hollywood Church
Knollwood United Methodist Church
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Long Beach
St. Mercurius & St. Abraam Coptic Orthodox Church
Cristo Rey Catholic Church
Highland Park Church of the Nazarene
Iglesia Apostolica Central
Christ the King Lutheran Church
First United Methodist Torrance
St. John Baptist de la Salle Church
Twentieth Church of Christ Scientist